Our Story
Hey there! Welcome to our little corner of chaos! We are a family of 4. I'm a full time mum and caregiver.
So where to start? Sadie our eldest daughter was diagnosed with GNB1 syndrome at just 20 months old. GNB1 syndrome is a rare genetic condition. Sadie was not long after diagnosed Autistic. Prior to these two diagnoses, Sadie was also diagnosed with epilepsy at just 12 months old and experienced delays in her development.
We work closely with her doctors and therapists to provide her with the best possible care, including a range of therapies such as physical therapy, speech therapy, and occupational therapy.
Despite the challenges, Sadie has made remarkable progress and has a great sense of humour, loves playing with her younger sister, and enjoys spending time outdoors. We are grateful for the support of our community and advocacy organizations.
Our journey with Sadie has inspired us to start this small business targeted to carers and people with disabilities, with our own lived experience we believe we can help other families facing similar challenges to stay organized, prioritize self-care, and advocate for the needs of their loved ones.
We hope you enjoy following our Journey! Thanks for being here!